Policy on Cookies of SENO & SENO SpA

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small text strings sent by a server to a Web client (usually a browser) and then sent back by the client to the server (without modification) each time the client accesses the same portion of the same web domain. When browsing the site, the user can also receive cookies from third parties, or from other sites or other web servers present on the site visited.

Cookies are used for different purposes: performing IT authentications, monitoring sessions, storing information on specific configurations concerning users accessing the server, etc.

In May 2011, the European Parliament issued a privacy law which obliges websites to request users' permission to use cookies relating to the services offered. The EU Cookie Law (European law on cookies) was also approved in Italy, coming into force one year later, on June 1, 2012 with legislative decrees 69/2012 and 70/2012. The Privacy Guarantor has issued resolution no. 229 of 8 May 2014, which identifies the " simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies " (Published in the Official Gazette n. 126 of 3 June 2014).

For the purpose of a better understanding of the cookies used within our web pages, we distinguish "technical cookies" from "profiling cookies".

Technical cookies : they are used for the sole purpose of carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for the provider of an information society service explicitly requested by the subscriber or user to provide this service ” (cf. art. 122, paragraph 1, of the Privacy Code). They are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the owner or manager of the website.

They can be divided into:

- navigation or session cookies, which guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas);

- analytics cookies, assimilated to technical cookies when used directly by the site manager to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site;

- functionality cookies, which allow the user to navigate according to a series of selected criteria (for example, the language, the products selected for purchase) in order to improve the service rendered to the same.

The prior consent of the users is not required for the installation of these cookies.

Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are designed to create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while surfing the net. Due to the particular invasiveness that such devices can have in the private sphere of users, European and Italian legislation provides that the user must be adequately informed about their use and thus express their valid consent. The art refers to them. 122 of the Privacy Code where it provides that "the filing of information in the terminal device of a contractor or user or access to information already archived are permitted only on condition that the contractor or user has given their consent after have been informed with the simplified procedures referred to in Article 13 of the Privacy Code, paragraph 3″.

Session and Persistent Cookies

Session Cookies contain the information that is used in the current browser session. These cookies are automatically deleted when the user closes the browser. Nothing is kept on the computer beyond the time the site is used (ASP.NET_SessionId and language).

Persistent Cookies (type ASPXANONYMOUS) are used to keep the information that is used in the period between one access and another to the website, or used for technical purposes and to improve navigation on the site. This data allows sites to recognize that you are an already known user or visitor and adapt accordingly. "Persistent" cookies have a duration that is set by the website.

First-party and third-party cookies

The subject who installs the cookies on the user's terminal can be the same manager of the site that the user is visiting or the manager of a different site that installs cookies through the first one (so-called "third parties"). First-party cookies are created and stored by the operator of the site visited, while third-party cookies are created and readable by domains external to the site and the data are stored by the third party.

Which cookies does this website use?

This website can send the user the cookies indicated below and briefly described, for the purposes specified below.

First-party technical cookies and Analytics Cookies to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site

Third-party cookies and profiling cookies are not used.

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